We understand. The idea of applying acid on your face might inspire confusion, concern, or even a tinge of fear. But what if we told you there was nothing to fear? Moreover, what if we told you that the involvement of acids in a skincare treatment is not only normal but regularly sought after?
In fact, if you’ve ever heard of a chemical peel, you might realize that this type of treatment is more familiar to you than you initially realized!
What is a chemical peel?
A chemical peel is a treatment during which a licensed esthetician applies a chemical solution of either alpha hydroxy acid or beta hydroxy acid to your face.
The acids lift dead skin cells and reveal the healthier, brighter, and smoother skin beneath. The acids also serve the purpose of stimulating new collagen growth and hyaluronic acid production — both of which are naturally produced by your body and help your skin to remain youthful and smooth.
What are the benefits of a chemical peel?
Chemical peels can …
Even skin texture
Brighten skin tone
Improve acne
Fade facial scars
Reduce the appearance of sun damage
Smooth wrinkles and fine lines
What is alpha hydroxy acid/beta hydroxy acid? What’s the difference?
Both acids are frequently found in over-the-counter skin products and chemical peels, though your treatment will use either one or the other. They both serve the purpose of exfoliating dead skin and accelerating the turnover rate of new cells, though your skin type will determine which one is best for you.
Alpha hydroxy acid is effective at drawing moisture to the skin while it firms and brightens. In particular, AHA is ideal for patients with mature or sensitive skin, or those seeking to reduce fine lines or wrinkles.
Beta hydroxy acids, as previously stated, mostly serve the same purpose. BHA, however, is more effective at deep cleaning your pores and can act as an anti-inflammatory, making it the choice acid for patients dealing with oily skin or persistent acne.
What else can I expect from my appointment?
Prior to the application of your chemical peel, we will cleanse your skin thoroughly to remove any surface-level or makeup-related impurities. After your chemical peel, you’ll be treated with a mask, SPF moisturizer, and gentle serum.
But if this is your first chemical peel, we understand you might feel a little nervous! And we want to assure you that chemical peels are nothing to feel apprehensive about; on the contrary, you’ll be pampered and walk away feeling more confident and beautiful than ever. If you have further questions or would like to schedule your appointment, be sure to call Alpha School of Massage today at (904) 389-9117. Learn to relax with us!